
Qhubeka Charity NPC


Qhubeka is Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) registered in South Africa. Since 2005 we have distributed over 73,000 bicycles to move communities forward and connect families to schools, clinics and jobs. Our programmes always have a work-to-earn element to them. People earn bicycles in return for growing trees, recycling waste, committing to improve their school attendance or their outputs at work, and various other ways. Qhubeka Bicycles are always distributed to communities through humanitarian organisations - we call them Implementation Partners - who incorporate bicycles in their community development programmes. Our Qhubeka bicycles are brand new and purpose-built to be robust. To meet the needs of the communities and families our Implementation Partners serve they are designed to work for girls and boys right up to adults. When you fund a bicycle, you help: 1. Connect communities to basic services 2. Reduce inequalities 3. Improve health Our goal is to shift the lives of 20 000 people with bicycles by end of of 2017 and have to be changing 50 000 lives with bicycles by 2020.

