Przejdź do głównej treści

Labour Rights Promotion Network Foundation


- To enhance knowledge and understanding for harmonious co-existence among migrant workers and ethnic groups as well as their families and communities in the Thai society.
- To improve access to protection of the rights and quality of life of workers and their families.
- To pursue capacity building of the social networks of Thai labour, migrant workers, and ethnic groups as well as their families and communities so that they can be self-reliant in collaboration with the public sector, private sector, and civil society.
- To enhance awareness about and collectively care for and promote well-being of labour groups as well as their families and communities.
- To support children to reach their full potential by providing educational assistance and support to children, nationalityless children, and underprivileged children in the Thai society.
- To conduct activities or collaborate with other public charities.
- To avoid engaging in any politics-related activities whatsoever.

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